This week marks the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking book The Feminine Mystique. Written by Betty Friedan, many consider this book to be responsible for the successes and spread of the feminist movement. Friedan is the founder of NOW, the National Organization for Women, an organization responsible for social advocacy on behalf of females everywhere. At the time of it’s publication, “only about six percent of medical students and four percent of law students were women. Today women comprise about half of all medical and law students,” according to the Huffington Post. Betty would be proud of the progressive changes made in the world! However she would also encourage us to keep working towards equality, and fairer practices in the workplace.
- Check out LinkedIn for 10 great inspirational quotes from Ms. Friedan that can help us reach our goals.
- NPR’s On Point has a radio show available on their website discussing The Feminine Mystique’s impact on the country.
- Or, read Time Magazine’s recent article on the author.