Looking for an interesting class to take for the Fall 2013 semester?  Consider PUB622H: Introduction to Supply Chain Management, taught by Professor Thomas DiMascio.   Click here to read about Prof. DiMascio’s professional and educational background.  Below is a description of PUB622H that he wrote for our blog:


 “Close your eyes.  You just landed a position at a GREAT publishing house.  Life is awesome.  You go to work with all the knowledge you gained here at the MS in Publishing Program at Pace University. 

You are kicking it — finding and crafting original works into masterpieces!  You turn to your colleagues and say “hey, where is the ‘publish’ button on the keyboard?”  And the response… “huh?”


 That’s right, works aren’t magically published.  Would you like to know about how publishers take all of their market segments and create operational supply chains to serve them?  Would you like to know how and why it is important to forecast demand before we manufacture even one copy?  How about the importance of raw material suppliers, book and magazine manufacturers, warehouses, distributors, the world economy, oh and lest we forget, the customer!  Supply chain management is all about taking all of these pieces, plus about a million more variables, and optimizing their interactions.

Let’s discuss what it takes to engage the verb “to publish.”  That’s why you are here — isn’t it?”


By Thomas A. Di Mascio