“One summer I read Walker Percy’s “The Moviegoer,” and it dawned on me that writing was something you could do for a living, just like being a doctor or a fisherman. The novel’s wry philosophical depth opened my eyes to what Percy called “the search,” poking around for clues about why we are here.”
–Walter Isaacson, President of the Aspen Institute and the author of theSteve Jobs, Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin biographies.
The following is an interesting quote from a New York Times article:
“The rites of summer are, by definition, fleeting: the summer romance, the summer job or vacation. Only the books seem to stick. Twelve writers recall their most memorable experiences of summer reading, proving perhaps that if you’re looking for an enduring summer romance, a good book might be your best bet. Click here to read the May 31st NYTimes article “What I Read That Summer.”