We are always on the lookout for great blogs and resources about books. With so many publishers out there it would be impossible to keep up with the latest books without book-news websites such as Bookforum. Also a magazine, this organization truly keeps an ear to the ground when it comes to the latest book information. Their site is divided into several sections. There are daily reviews, both original and reposted, from a variety of sources including the NYT and New York Review of Books. There is an Omnivore section, which covers news from across the globe not limited to publishing and Papertrail, a section devoted to book info. There are interviews and articles galore, and it is a great resource for keeping up-to-date with the latest industry bulletins.


Bookforum also accepts submissions! So if you’ve attended a great literary event or have the ultimate guide to Margret Mitchell, you might want to submit an article about it!