An organization dedicated to the beauty of telling stories, The Moth is an experience all its own. Creator of The Moth, George Dawes Green, a poet and best-selling novelist, wished to recreate episodes similar to those that took place in his home state of Georgia. On warm summer evenings, he and his friends would sit together on a screened-in porch, telling tales to one another. A hole in the screen allowed moths through, who were attracted to the soft porch light. Thus the Moths were born; a group of storytellers with a joined closeness through words.
Since 1997 Green has taken what once was a small gathering in Georgia to new heights. The Moths no longer tell stories on a small porch, but in a room that fills hundreds of people, all crowding to hear each human experience. The storytellers are honest and true, and the stories are spoken live and without notes.
In addition to being an entertaining storytelling site, The Moth, also provides a weekly free story called The Moth Podcast, as well as The Moth Radio Hour. In 2000 The Moth launched the MothSHOP Community Education Program which teaches the principles of storytelling to students and disenfranchised adults in underserved neighborhoods. The program then shares these stories within the community and beyond, giving a voice to those who might have otherwise gone unheard.
Some of our favorite stories include Jamaica Kincaid’s, The Letter, Sebastian Jungar, WAR, Carlos Kotkin, The Accidental Executive and Joyce Maynards, The One Good Man. Click here to see the stories and let us know what ones you like.
The Moth also offers great opportunities for those who wish to volunteer and intern. Interested in volunteering? Click here.
The Moth has internships all year in the production, media, and development departments.