It almost goes without saying now that in order to solidify your marketability in the  workforce, you  need to have a LinkedIn account. But that’s as far as most of us go with it.  LinkedIn is more than a  site to list your skills and credentials, it has a vast collection of  blogs, articles, and pertinent groups  to follow in order to learn more about the industry  you wish to break into. Below are two  compelling articles that will perhaps change your  stance on where you stand in your quest for a  career.



How Blogging Can Help Your Career
By: Claire Diaz-Ortiz
In this article, Diaz-Ortiz explains that blogging has been essential in her career success. She  asserts that if more people would implement blogging into their own careers, it would be a way to  either jump start it or rejuvenate it. She sites the eBook,   How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling  Your Soul), by Ruth Soukup in order to establish what in fact makes a blog worth writing. For Ruth,  the answer is simple: content. Without content a blog cannot be successful because no one will  want to read it! She also says that in order to keep a thriving blog, it must be passionate about the subject matter. Diaz-Ortiz adds to that by alleging that blogs can be key in achieving contacts and  portraying your skills that may otherwise be overlooked. To read more on blogs as a career  strategy, visit here.

What Makes Malcolm Gladwell Fascinating

By: Adam Grant

In this post, Grant presents to us the theories of author and social scientist Malcolm Gladwell. He  sites his book, The Tipping Point, as the turning point in his own life when he went from being  socially awkward at events to being assertive and affable. Grant was inspired by the progressive  ideas that Gladwell had pondered and it intrigued him to the point where he felt passionate enough  to share it with others. Some of Gladwell’s theories include:

  • Bad is Good and Good is Bad
  • What Looks Like an Individual Phenomenon is Really a Collective Phenomenon
  • What Seems to Succeed Fails, and What Seems to Fail Succeeds
  • What Appears To Be Local is Global
  • What Looks Like Disorder is Actually Order
 It seems, that people are striving to be interesting when Gladwell sees the merit in going against  what is expected in order to achieve that. He wants his readers to look below the surface to see what kind of people succeed and what they did that was unique in order to achieve their goals.