In today’s society, the all-you-can-eat subscription model has changed our ideas about media consumption. We want instant streaming and we want it now. Netflix is the prime example. With over 30 million subscribers, Netflix provides instant television show and movie watching gratification. It isn’t uncommon for a Netflix user to watch an entire season of a TV show in only a matter of days. For only $7.99 a month, the amount a subscriber can watch is practically endless.
The idea of a book subscription model isn’t anything new. The Book-of-the-Month Club was founded in 1926, and in the 1980s was a grand publishing enterprise with millions of members across the United States. Mail-order book clubs are still around, but on a much smaller scale. The book subscription model seemed just to fizzle out. However, with the immense popularity of buffet style media platforms like Netflix and Spotify, the idea of a book subscription has nuzzled its way to the surface again. Amazon does have some-what of a book subscription service offered through Amazon Prime. Those with a Kindle can borrow one eBook per month with a Prime membership, which costs $79 per year. For the Prime members, this isn’t a bad idea. Although, it isn’t a true eat-your-heart-out subscription service.