Author tours are a great way to experience your favorite writer on a more personal level. However, you may not have the chance to go see that author yourself if you are busy with other obligations like school or work. Introducing Booktalk Nation!

Booktalk Nation allows you to listen-in by phone or streaming video to author talks that take place at independent bookstores. You can sign up for any event on the Booktalk Nation website. You can also purchase signed personalized copies of the books from the bookstores. This is a great way to support independent bookstores while enjoying the comfort of your own couch. The author talks are free and last no more than thirty minutes. You can also submit questions before the talk on the website or, for some calls, during the live talk.

The goal of Booktalk Nation is to provide a service that allows traditional bookstores to support each other, and sell books where they never would be able to otherwise. It also benefits the authors by broadening their audience reach as well. Booktalk Nation describes itself as a “supplement to, not a substitute for, a traditional book tour.” Overall, it is a great way to create exposure, and to give readers a chance to connect with authors, even when they are hundreds of miles away.

On Thursday March 6 at 7:00 p.m., you can listen to the live phone-in event with author Joseph Lapin. He will be discussing his novel Chance. On Monday March 10 at 7:00 p.m., you can watch author Eloisa James talk about her new romance novel Three Weeks with Lady X. On March 11 at 7:00 p.m., you can watch the live video event of author Deborah Johnson, who will be discussing her novel The Secret of Magic.

Check out the entire Booktalk Nation schedule here. Also, don’t miss their great blog where Booktalk Nation contributors discuss the book and authors participating in the upcoming events.