SSP Conference Travel Grant Program

If you are a student in a publishing or library/information science program, or have been working in this field for three years or less, please consider applying for a grant to attend the SSP Annual Meeting (see details below). If you’re not a potential candidate, but know someone who is, please share this announcement with your fellow-student, colleague, or protégé.

SSP’s 2014 travel grant program has grants for up to 14 successful applicants. The awards will support travel to and attendance at SSP¹s 36th Annual Meeting, to be held May 28-30, 2014 in Boston MA, as well as SSP membership for 2014. The travel grant program is designed to introduce students of publishing and information science and early career publishing professionals to the many educational and networking opportunities available at the popular and informative SSP annual meeting.

Successful applicants will be granted free registration at the Annual Meeting and will be eligible for reimbursement of up to $1,000 for travel and lodging expenses incurred to attend the meeting. Higher rates of reimbursement are available for applicants located overseas, and the Society offers special encouragement to applicants from outside North America.

Applications must be completed online; see the link to the online form here, where a list of previous grant winners is also available.

The application deadline is Friday, March 28, 2014. Grant awardees will be selected and notified by the first week in April.

The SSP Board has developed several supporting programs that will help grant awardees optimize their experience. Awardees will be paired with mentors who hold senior management positions within SSP member organizations. Mentors will help grantees plug into the educational and networking opportunities available at the Annual Meeting. Additionally, the meeting program will offer several opportunities designed to engage those who are relatively new to the industry.

SSP Annual Meeting 2014: “Who’s at Stake and What’s at Stake? Looking Outward at the Future of Scholarly Publishing”
To be held at the Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston MA, May 28-30, 2014.
Plenary speakers:

Rick Joyce, Chief Marketing Officer for Perseus Books Group
Chris Lintott, Astronomer at the University of Oxford, co-presenter of the BBC’s Sky at Night, and Citizen Science Project Lead at Adler Planetarium
Dan Cohen, Director of the Digital Public Library of America
Jill Cousins, Executive Director of the Europeana Foundation

For details of full program, sessions, abstracts, speakers, and accommodation, see here

SSP is a dynamic membership organization, working to advance the development of members through education and networking.