Summer 2014 – Penguin Random House
Position: eBook Production internship
Location: New York City
Department: Random House eBook Production
Application Deadline: May 16TH 2014
Penguin Random House, the world’s first truly global trade book publishing company, is seeking an eBook production intern for summer 2014. This internship will provide an opportunity to engage in real-world e-publishing practices from the largest English language publisher in the world.
Candidates must be currently enrolled in a college or university as a student and must be able to receive academic credits for completing the internship. Please note: This is an un-paid internship.
Work hours and dates are flexible depending on your school’s internship requirements.
Applicant requirements
1. A letter from your college or university stating that the prospective intern is eligible to receive credit for the internship. This letter must also include the number of work hours required to satisfy the internship requirements.
2. A copy of your résumé with your major/minor concentrations.
3. A short (500 word) essay explaining what you would like to learn during your internship at Random House and why we should consider you.
Email all materials with the subject line 2014 Intern to Lindsay Mandel at
In addition, please email Prof. Denning at so that she can provide you with more details about the position.