ladies-home-journal-logoLadies’ Home Journal will become a quarterly, newsstand-only magazine after a 130 year print run. The Meredith Corporation, the publisher of Ladies’ Home Journal, has claimed that the reason for the pull back has nothing to do with its LHJ2consumers, considering LHJ had a circulation of 3.2 million. They site the problem as an advertising issue and thus, have made the decision to lay off their staff and relocate to De Moines, Iowa. LHJ’s problematic relationship with advertising was explained away because the audience was older, approximately 57 years old, and because it was LHJ3not one of the most popular women’s magazines of its kind. In fact, LHJ’s advertising dropped a whopping 50 percent in the last decade.

Art Slusark, the company spokesman, sees a particular trend with women’s service and lifestyle magazines– there needs to be a specific focus. He noted that the successful magazines he’s observed, are those with niches where it be design, cooking, or spirituality. Perhaps LHJ was too broad a magazine for the modern woman to truly relate to. After all, it’s been 130 years since it’s first publication and the times have most certainly changed.