On Thursday, June 26th, the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen will present the final part of the Labor, Literature, and Landmarks lecture series, An Insider’s View of Independent Publishing, with indie publisher, Europa EditionsPublishing industry veteran and Europa Publisher, Kent Carroll, will speak about his industry experience, comparing independent and corporate publishing throughout the years, and the future of independent publishing in an era of corporate mergers, digital books, and the impact of Amazon on the industry.

Europa authors will talk about their path to being published and the difference between being published by a conglomerate and independent publisher. Authors will include Jesse Browner, writer of the much-praised, Everything Happens Today, Audrey Schulman, author of Three Weeks in December, and Michele Zackheim, author of Last Train to Paris. All will read extracts from their books and discuss their path to being published at an indie press, and the difference between being published by a conglomerate and independent publisher.

The General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen is offering a special student price of $5 to attend the event. The lecture will also be followed by a networking and wine and cheese reception.

The lecture will take place at The General Society Library, 20 West 44th Street, at 6:30 p.m.

RSVP directly to karin.taylor@generalsociety.org if you are able to attend.