
Self-publishing versus traditional publishing. Publishers versus Amazon. Has the beginning of the end of print books arrived? Are publishers a pointless middleman or do they still serve a purpose?

The world of publishing is experiencing some turbulence, and with that, a lot of uncertainty and questions that can’t be answered as well as most of us want. We have people who staunchly defend the publishers, and those who believe that it’s time for them to realize the pit they’re in. But I think it’s safe to say that many of us are in the middle, watching and waiting to see where the digital innovations and reader needs carry the industry.

Yet out of the uncertainty and upheaval comes discussion, which is healthy for the industry because everyone has their own experience to contribute.

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This week’s LotW features Publishing Perspectives, a website that is described as “an online magazine of international book publishing news and opinion” (Source). The website is categorized into several different topics, such as self-publishing and children’s, and includes a blog for the most recent publishing news updates and a discussion segment that is designed to encourage “provocative questions and food for thought on the current state of publishing to our readers” (Source). Readers are encouraged to post their own opinions, to lend their voices to the discussion.

Anyone can subscribe to their daily newsletter for free.