Dear Potential Candidates,

Writer's HouseI hope you are each well and enjoying the summer.  If you are receiving this e-mail you’ve previously expressed interest in the Writers House Intern Program, Autumn 2015. The program is scheduled 16 weeks. As it stands, we’ll commence the term either the week of Monday, September 28th or Monday, October 5th.  In either case, that Monday would be mandatory for all participating interns. Please know all interns work a 24 hour per week schedule. There is a $200 per month stipend paid-out to each intern.

If you are still interested in being considered, please reply to the following:

  1. Who are the authors on our list you enjoy reading the most?
  2. What genres do you enjoy the most?
  3. If needed, could you start on either September 28th or October 5th?
  4. Would you like to be considered for the subsidiary rights internship too? (SEE RED BELOW)

Also, please review and choose (by number) up to three categories (in order of interest).

  1. SCT/SOU: Literary fiction.
  2. ALV: Science fiction/ fantasy. YA. Middle grade. Non-fiction.
  3. BR: Young adult. Middle grade. Literary fiction. Upmarket fiction.
  4. J/T: Upmarket non-fiction. Literary fiction. Upmarket fiction. Thrillers. Crime fiction. Narrative non-fiction.
  5. NO: Children’s picture books, children’s books. YA. Middle grade. Adult fiction and non-fiction.
  6. SY: Women’s fiction. Non-fiction. YA. Literary fiction. Upmarket fiction.
  7. BH: YA. Romance. Paranormal. Historical fiction. Women’s fiction.
  8. AC: Guy books: sports, military, etc. Thrillers. Mysteries. Crime fiction. YA. Middle grade. Non-fiction.
  9. V/A: Books about young girls discovering themselves. Picture books. Middle grade. YA. Upmarket fiction. Literary fiction. Nonfiction.


“We are a very busy department looking for a candidate who is organized, responsible, takes initiative and who has excellent time-management skills. Experience in Subsidiary Rights a plus, but not necessary.”

Aside from various administrative tasks, the Subsidiary Rights Intern will assist with the following:

•             Managing authors copies from foreign publishers and audio publishers
•             Maintaining the Foreign Rights library
•             Managing book requests from publishers
•             Sending large book submissions to foreign agents
•             Analyzing royalty statements

For more information on the Writers House Intern Program, please call or e-mail Michael Mejias at 212-685-2400 x 150 or at