The poets Gary Lenhart and Eileen Myles are the spring 2016 readers in the Poets @ Pace series. The reading, which is free and open to the public, will take place April 11th from 6-8 p.m. in the Bianco Room, Level B, One Pace Plaza. It will include a Q & A, book signing, and refreshments. Poets @ Pace, which brings important poets to the Pace NYC campus each semester, is organized by Pace Poet-in-Residence Charles North and sponsored by the Office of the Provost.
Gary Lenhart has published six books of poetry, most recently The World in a Minute, and two prose collections: Another Look and The Stamp of Class: Reflections on Poetry and Social Class. He was editor of the poetry magazines Mag City and Transfer. From the mid-80s through the mid-90s he was Associate Director of Teachers & Writers Collaborative in NYC, and he edited The Teachers & Writers Guide to William Carlos Williams and The T & W Guide to Classic American Literature. For the past 24 years he has lived in Vermont and taught at Dartmouth College. Of his most recent book of poetry, Cleopatra Mathis wrote: “Gary Lenhart’s The World in a Minute combines all the best of intellect and heart.” Ron Padgett: “Tender heart, nimble wit, and tough mind radiate throughout Gary Lenhart’s poems of numinous domesticity, poems that are so well made that their craftsmanship is invisible—the ultimate graciousness of art.”
Eileen Myles, poet, novelist, performer, art journalist, and opera librettist, has been called “one of the savviest and most restless intellects in contemporary literature.” She is the author of nineteen books, including I Must be Living Twice: New & Selected Poems and Chelsea Girls; her honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, three Lambda Book Awards, the Poetry Society of American Shelley Prize, a Foundation for Contemporary Arts award, and the Clark Prize for Excellence in Arts Writing. She has toured and performed extensively, including solo performances at the NYC arts center PS 122 and the Dia Foundation. Artistic Director of The Poetry Project in the 1980s, she edited the poetry magazine dodgems, and co-edited the feminist anthology Ladies Museum as well as The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading. She is Professor Emeritus and former Director of the writing program at UC San Diego.
Poets@Pace brings important poets to the Pace NYC Campus each semester and is organized by Pace Poet-in-Residence Charles North and sponsored by the Office of the Provost.