Pace Center for Governance, Reporting, and Regulation Freelance Opportunity
Prof. John Alan James, the Chairman of the Pace Global Center, is looking for a freelancer to assist with the preparation of upcoming publications. The Center for Global Governance, Reporting and Regulation sponsors research and discussion on the development and implementation of global financial reporting standards, regulatory compliance and governance.

Most of the publications will deal with the course material in the certificate program (Governance, Strategy, Risk, Regulation and Compliance) with a focus on financial institutions, globally.

Assignments would be periodical and on a job/project basis (one book, or part of a book, etc.) with an agreed schedule, pay schedule and payment dates.

The pay arrangement is on a project basis with input measured on an hourly basis. The suggested hourly rate is $25 per hour. Time sheets to an assigned (numbered) project are required with submission of invoices.

They want to talk with those with any potential interest soon. Contact Professor Denning ( if interested.