The Americas Poetry Festival of New York 2017
When: October 4th–6th
Where: Center For Worker Education City College of New York, 25 Broadway, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10004
Cost: Free
The Americas Poetry Festival of New York is the fourth annual festival of multilingual poetry that features 60 poets who represent 22 countries and 5 languages. The festival is organized by poets and professors Carlos Aguasaco, Yrene Santos, and Carlos Velásquez. This year the festival will take place at these venues: Center For Worker Education CCNY, Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site and Interpretive Center, Consulate of Argentina in New York, and Instituto Cervantes NY. If you would like to experience poetry from across the world, this festival is for you.
For more information, click here.
Poets Network & Exchange, Inc & Bronx Library Center present Tongue Shakers with Author Margie Shaheed
When: October 5, 2017 @ 6pm
Where: Bronx Library Center, 310 East Kingsbridge Road, Bronx, NY 10458
Cost: Free
Tongue Shakers provides an inside look into the state of “speaking mother tongue in America’s multicultural society.” Through a series of interviews and first person narratives in the voices of city dwellers who are immigrants, Americans born into immigrant families, and African Americans, the book uncovers the personal challenges faced by those learning a new language and celebrates their triumphs. Margie Shaheed will discuss Tongue Shakers with Lorraine Currelley, Executive Director, Poets Network & Exchange, Inc., followed by a reading of personal narratives by contributing participants Mercy Tullis Bukhari and Lorraine Currelley.
For more information, click here.
LIC Reading Series: Cheuk, Derr-Smith, Shirk
When: October 10, 2017 @ 8pm–10pm
Where: LIC Bar, 45-58 Vernon Boulevard, Long Island City, NY 11101
Cost: Free
The LIC Reading Series was founded in April 2015 and takes place the second Tuesday of every month. This event is always free and takes place at the LIC Bar, a 100-year-old watering hole in Long Island City. LIC Reading Series partners up with Astoria Books in order to sell authors’ works. At this event, three small press authors will be reading from their works.
Leland Cheuk is the author of The Misadventures of Sulliver Pong. Cheuk’s fiction work has appeared in VICE, The Millions, and The Rumpus, and appears or will appear in Salon, Catapult, Kenyon Review, and elsewhere.
Heather Derr-Smith is a poet who has published four books: Each End of the World, The Bride Minaret, Tongue Screw, and Thrust, which just won the Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor’s Choice Award and will be published on October 10, 2017.
Adrian Shirk is the author of And Your Daughters Shall Prophesy, a hybrid-memoir exploring American-women prophets and their theologies. She is a columnist at Catapult, and her essays have appeared in The Atlantic, among others.
For more information about this event, click here.