Drucilla Shultz and Ann Sanchez Haunt PW’s Halls

Photo courtesy of Calvin Reid. From left to right: Michael Morris, digital media coordinator and giraffe; Drucilla Shultz, bookroom editor and ghost; Ann Sanchez, intern and werewolf victim Little Red Riding Hood; and Patrick Turner, V.P. of operations.
Publishers Weekly (PW) posts a Picture of the Day in its PW Daily Newsletter. This week, it showcased the winners of the annual PW Halloween costume contest. Featured in the center are two members of the M.S. in Publishing family: Pace alumna Drucilla Shultz and current Pace student Ann Sanchez. Shultz graduated from Pace University in 2013 and currently works as PW’s bookroom editor. Sanchez is interning with PW this semester.