Image courtesy of We Need Diverse Books

We Need Diverse Books (WNDB) is a non-profit organization of children’s book enthusiasts that supports essential changes in the publishing industry. Its “aim is to help produce and promote literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people.” WNDB strives to put more books with diverse characters into the hands of all kids.

Every year, WNDB selects a few students from diverse backgrounds to receive an internship grant that will help them pursue a career in children’s publishing. This year, the organization plans on awarding five grants of $2500 (plus a travel stipend) to diverse publishing and agency interns. These grants have helped students get full-time jobs in the publishing industry.

To be eligible for this grant, you must:

  1. Identify as coming from a diverse background
  2. Be a high school graduate, currently enrolled college/university student, or recent college graduate
  3. Have received a paid internship offer from a participating publisher or from a qualifying literary agent (The position must be at least half time, minimum wage, and focused on children’s publishing)

For more information and how to apply, click here.