Photo by Katherine Warde.
This past month was author Avi’s birthday (December 23rd). He is most known for his work with children’s books.
“My mind has become somewhat like a book. What I mean by that is that when I look at the world, I see it as a story.”
He won the Newbery Medal in 2003 for his novel Crispin: The Cross of Lead. Avi has written over 70 books for young readers.
“For some 25 years, I worked as a librarian, first at the New York Public Library, then at Trenton State College in New Jersey. My life has always been with, around, and for books.”
Edward Irving Wortis also known as Avi, states that he doesn’t remember how the nickname came up, but it was given to him by his twin sister when they were young, and it stuck.
“To become a novelist, the most crucial thing one must do is read, read and read again – gradually you begin to think like a writer. Ideas are not found – they are shaped.”