MS in Publishing students are invited to participate in several exciting events this semester featuring graduates of the program and other leading industry professionals.

The Student- Alumni Zoom is on Tuesday, February 15, from 4:00-5:30 pm. This event gives current students a chance to meet with and talk to six alumni of the Pace MS in Publishing program. If you’re interested, please RSVP to by Friday, February 11, 2022.

The Spring semester Speed Mentoring event is on Monday, March 7, from 6:00-7:30 pm. Students will be matched in small groups with industry professionals and given the chance to network and ask questions. This event will be held over Zoom. An email with more details on the professionals attending will be sent out closer to the date.

The second installment of this year’s Distinguished Professor Lecture with Jason Low of Lee & Low Books is on Wednesday, April 6, from 6:00-7:30 pm. Jason will continue his talk from last October about the importance of diversity in publishing and how to achieve it, as well as his own experience with children’s book publishing. The lecture will be held over Zoom and an email will be sent out closer to the date.

Gina Centrello, President & Publisher at Random House, will give this year’s Eliot Schein Lecture on Tuesday, April 26, from 6:00-7:30 pm. Gina will talk to her extensive experience in the publishing industry. The lecture will be held over Zoom and an email will be sent out closer to the date.

More events may be added depending on the state of COVID-19 towards the end of the semester.