Read-an-Almanac Month — 07/01/2022 – 07/31/2022

An almanac is an annual publication that includes information such as weather forecasts, farmers’ planting dates, tide tables, and tabular information. They’re great for research and other quirky informational or visual tangents! Visit your local library and ask to check some out, such as The Old Farmer’s Almanac or The National Geographic for Kids Almanac.

Alice in Wonderland Day — 07/04/2022

A lesser-known-holiday, perhaps because it’s originally British! Use the day off to return to the story — film, book, or oral retelling — with another book friend or family member!

Paperback Book Day — 07/31/2022

This day is for everybody, but especially anyone who’s waited eagerly for the paperback copy of a much-anticipated book (IYKYK)! Go to your local independent bookstore or library to grab a copy, and if it isn’t out yet, may they soon come!