The Women’s Media Group announced a $4,000-dollar-scholarship opportunity for the Spring 2023 semester. They encourage female students, students from under represented populations, and/or economically disadvantaged backgrounds to apply. The scholarship also includes a three-year membership in WMG.
To apply, write a one-page essay (two pages at most!) about your commitment to publishing and media. You need to “provide an example of your demonstrated leadership and interest in promoting written and/or visual literacy, diversity, and amplification of under represented voices in the media.”
The WMG is a New York City-based nonprofit association of women who have achieved greatness within media-centered careers, mostly focused in print and digital book, magazine, and newspaper publishing, film and television, and online/digital media formats. They are dedicated to mentoring young women who are interested in working in the media.
The application deadline is October 28, 2022.
This is open to Pace students, only.