Book Industry Links:
Rebuck: Pipeline of women execs is ‘woefully low’
Gail Debunk, the British Penguin Random House chair, spoke at the Oxfordshire Publishing Group Summer Conference. Rebuck predicted a “next wave” in the next 10 or 15 years in which “women will percolate to the top” in publishing.
A Wildly Inventive Fantasy Serie That Began on the Web and Became a Best-Seller Stephen Burt writes in an essay for The New Yorker how Catherynne Valente’s five Fairyland novels impact the history of publishing.
Magazine Industry Links:
Why Millennials Love Martha Stewart Living
Min talks to Daren Mazzucca the publisher of Martha Stewart Living. They ask questions like: “Where does print fit into your business model now with all this attention on digital?”
Magazines Show the Highest Return on Advertising Spend At the Advertising Research Foundation Audience Measurement 2016 conference, Nielsen Catalina Solutions (NCS) presented a study on return on advertising spend (ROAS) that showed magazines deliver the highest return.
These are interesting article links. I like them all.