Children’s book publisher Levine Querido is launching its own Spanish-language imprint: Ediciones Levine Querido.
They plan to publish three titles per season, with line-ups for the Fall and Spring already confirmed.
For the fall season, they plan to release La Última Cuenista (The Last Cuenista) by Donna Barba Higuera, translated by Aurora Humarán, Buenos espíritus (High Spirits) by Camille Gomez-Tavarez, translated by Lorraine Avila, La tímida Willow (Shy Willow) by Cat Min translated by Alexis Romay and Valerie Block.
In spring 2023, the imprint will release Noche antigua (Ancient Night) by David Álvarez and David Bowles, La forma de un hogar (The Shape of Homes) by Rashin Kheriyeh, Lo que le contó el jajguar (What the Jaguar Told Her) by Alexandra V. Méndez.
“The Spanish-language market continues to be undeserved by mainstream publishers, especially in Texas, California, and Florida,” Antonio Gonzalez Cerna, the marketing director of Levine Querido, explained. “At the Texas Library Association meeting, many librarians approached our booth specifically asking for Spanish-language and bilingual books to share with their classrooms.”
With each book, Querido aims for the best translators to capture the nuances and cultural specificity of the Mexican, Colombian, Dominican and Spanish languages, among many others.
“We Spanish readers occupy the same digital and media spaces as English readers,” says Irene Vásquez, assistant editor and publicist.
The word Querido is a tribute to Emanuel Querido, a Dutch publisher. “[His] bravery and taste continue to inspire us; a desire that the book we make become beloved to those who read them,” says Arthur A. Levine, Levine Querido president and editor-in-chief.
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