Student Spotlight: Kimberly Richardson

Kimberly Richardson is the intern for Linda Epstein at the Jennifer de Chiara Literary Agency, and is currently a graduate student in the MS Publishing program at Pace University. You can follow Kimberly on Twitter @kimberly_ann688 and expect to see her monthly blog...

Faculty in the Spotlight

Professor Elena Donovan Mauer is the Deputy Editor of The Bump, where she works with top writers, OB-GYNs, pediatricians and other industry leaders to deliver high-quality fertility, pregnancy and parenting information to millions of expectant and new parents....

David Pecker Lecture on Self-Publishing

Thinking about entering the publishing industry? Wondering where self-publishing fits into the great, big world of publishing? Join Pace’s MS in Publishing Program at the David Pecker lecture presented by Cevin Bryerman, David Pecker Distinguished Visiting...