Anne Rice Obituary

Author Anne Rice, best known for her cult-classic 1976 novel, Interview with the Vampire, died on December 11 in California from complications of a stroke. She was 80 years old. Grieving the loss of her five-year-old daughter, Michele, to leukemia in 1972, Rice began...

bell hooks

“The function of art is to do more than tell it like it is – it’s to imagine what is possible.” bell hooks died of kidney failure on December 15, 2021 at age 69. She was a seminal author in the field of intersectional feminism, with groundbreaking writing on the...

Gary Paulsen Obituary

On Wednesday, October 13, 2021, beloved young adult author Gary Paulsen died at the age of 82. Penning over 200 books and short stories since the 1960’s, Paulsen is known for writing coming-of-age stories set in the wilderness for teens and young adults. An...