Job Opportunity | Oxford University Press

Oxford University Press | Marketing Coordinator Location: New York, NY Position: Full-time Experience: Relevant Marketing Experience Oxford University Press (OUP) works out of the University of Oxford. They are committed to “excellence in research, scholarship, and...

University Presses

A university press is an academic publishing house that specializes in scholarly books and journals. Pace University Press (Pace UP), for example, publishes seven journals in the humanities and social sciences, like Woolf Studies Annual, The Journal of Comics and...

Internships of the Week

New York, NY Offering Literary Agency Internships. William Clark is a native of Virginia and was educated in the United States, France, and England. Moving to New York in 1992, he worked at several agencies, including Virginia Barber Literary Agency and William Morris...

Salem, MA Seeking Full-Time Junior Designer Page Street Publishing Co., located in Salem, Massachusetts, about 25 miles north of Boston and walking distance from the train station. Page Street publishes 50 to 60 titles a year spanning the range of lifestyle subjects,...