Virtual Internships

The advent of the internet and increase in digital communications has changed the way we learn. Many of us take classes online and talk with our classmates and teachers through email and social networking. The benefits of technology for learning are obvious- rapid...

Virtual Resume Workshop

Ed2010 is offering a virtual resume workshop! What is that? It is a chance to have your resume looked at by the magazine industry’s top professionals for ways to improve and make your skills more marketable. This is a great opportunity for anyone who’s...

Link of the Week: Folio Magazine

Magazine professionals everywhere know that you have to stay current and updated on the state of the industry in order to succeed. There are many blogs, web resources, and publications available to keep us informed and up to date on important issues. Folio Mag is a...

Around Town: Book and Magazine Events in NYC

February 26, 2013 George Saunders and Dick Cavett Legendary talk-show host Dick Cavett interviews author George Saunders at the New York Public Library (42nd Street and 5th Ave, Manhattan) at 7pm. Saunders is promoting his new work Tenth of December. Tickets cost...