by admin | Feb 13, 2013 | Jobs, Online, Opportunities, Uncategorized
This week we bring you two opportunities geared towards the writers among us. Both of these jobs are on the web side of things, writing or blogging for established internet brands. Please let us know if you’d like any help crafting your resume, cover...
by admin | Feb 7, 2013 | Online
Today’s publishing world is faced with disintermediation- the cutting out of a middle man. In Professor Levitz’s Transmedia class, we learn how the industry is changing to reflect this. In the past, no one would have thought that an individual author would...
by admin | Feb 6, 2013 | Jobs, Online, Opportunities, Uncategorized
This week we are featuring two excellent employment opportunities. The first, for those interested in live entertainment and blogging at SeatGeek and the second for digital book sales management at Workman! Check them out below, apply if interested and let us know...
by admin | Jan 31, 2013 | Online
Best-selling author John Green has been making waves in the literary world. His book, the The Fault in Our Stars has been extremely successful, crossing over both YA and adult markets. LA Times writer Susan Carpenter delves into Green’s work and rise to...
by admin | Jan 24, 2013 | Blog Feature, Jobs, Online
We are starting a new feature here on the MS Publishing Blog designed to help connect Pace alumni and current students with employers. Check back every Thursday for a new job posting, and let Professor Denning know if you need help with your resume, interview skills,...
by admin | Jan 23, 2013 | Online, Opportunities
One of the greatest challenges facing today’s digital publisher is making books and magazines that look and function the same on every platform available. New tablets and cell phones are produced all the time, giving programers little time to sort out how to...