by Breana Swinehart | May 4, 2017 | Internships
Rizzoli, a renowned international art publisher based in Manhattan, seeks intern in Publicity Department. Impeccable English, visual eye with attention to detail, excellent organizational skills, and knowledge of art essential. Confident phone manner and...
by Breana Swinehart | Apr 24, 2017 | Internships
650 is searching for media and communications interns for the summer. The position is remote, and applicants are expected to 8-12 hours a week for school credit. Interns will be working primarily on social media, email marketing, and website maintenance. 650 is a...
by Breana Swinehart | Apr 3, 2017 | Internships
Summer Publishing Internship Sudaquia Editores is looking for an unpaid, full-time intern, to work during the summer in our dynamic team. Ideal candidates are self-starters who can work independently and collaboratively; have writing, research and communication skills...
by Allison Bucknell | Mar 23, 2015 | Internships, Opportunities
The RosettaBooks Production and Distribution Department is looking for an intern with panache, enthusiasm, and bibliophilia. This is an opportunity to get first-hand experience and training in print and ebook creation, production schedules, and book...
by admin | May 14, 2014 | Internships, Opportunities
Summer Internships Available in Washington DC through BPEF program! The Business Press Educational Foundation announces new summer internship openings in Washington DC. The openings, at b-to-b media leader Hanley Wood, focus on five functional areas: editorial, web...